Can Hepatitis C infection cause skin problems?

The causative organism for the Hepatitis C infection is Hepatitis C virus (HCV). This viral infection is characterized by the severe liver damage. The other symptoms include fatigue, poor appetite and skin problems including yellow discoloration of the skin, itchy skin and skin rashes. The skin concerns of this Hepatitis C can occur anywhere in the body including arms. The onset of skin problems can be directly due to Hepatitis C or indirectly due to the irritation caused by the injectable that is used to treat liver diseases. To know whether the occurred skin problems are due to the Hepatitis C or not, one should have a brief knowledge over the symptoms of Hepatitis c.

The common skin concerns seen in persons infected with HCV include:

·        Jaundice is a condition in which skin and white part of the eyes and nails turns to yellow color. This is due to the accumulation of the bilirubin as the liver fails to break it down. The jaundice symptoms such as dark urine and straw colored stools are not specific to HCV; however it can also be caused due to Cirrhosis or liver damage.

·    Ascites is an abdominal condition characterized by the fluid accumulation in the abdomen and gives balloon like swelling appearance. Due to the accumulation of fluids the person experiences rapid weight gain.

·     Pruritus is characterized by severe itching of the skin. This severe itching can lead to cuts and infection of the skin. Pruritus can be the cause of Lichen Planus and Urticaria.

·   Blood spots (purpura) are a skin condition with red or purple rashes associated with blood clumping called as cryoglobulinemia.

·    Spider angiomas shows web like dilated blood vessels underneath the skin which are painless spots.

The Hepatitis C can be treated with anti-viral drugs. The treatments used to cure skin discomfort include Diuretics that helps to remove the excessive fluid accumulated, Calamine lotion which acts as smoothening application or any other topical corticosteroids and antihistamines to lighten the skin itching.

Any small change in the skin should be addressed with the doctor for the diagnosis because unhealthy skin can be the sign for upcoming liver diseases. Even after diagnosis with Hepatitis C infection one should address the experiencing skin problems to the physician so that it helps to prevent the progression of skin concerns. 


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