Hepatitis C and Liver: A Guide for Healthy Liver


Hepatitis can be the underlying cause for many liver problems. The causative organism for Hepatitis C infection is Hepatitis C virus (HCV).  This HCV primarily causes inflammation of the liver which can further progress into many serious conditions such as Cirrhosis.  But some life style changes can overcome these risks. Taking sufficient care of liver can prevent such damage and can also increase the quality of life. Compared to the previous years there is much improvement in the Hepatitis C treatment due to advancement in the anti-viral drug therapy.

The following life style changes can protect the liver health:

Control your weight      

The symptoms of Hepatitis C include initial Weight loss as the body’s immune system tries to fight against the virus. But this infection can leave long-term effect of weight gain. For an individual gaining weight may not be a concern. But people with obesity are more prone to the liver damage. Many studies revealed that people suffering from Hepatitis C have more liver damage if there is excess body weight. Controlling the weight can prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The best way to control weight is to have physical exercise on everyday basis.

Have liver-friendly foods

The liver-friendly diet aims at eating fruit and vegetable based diet, protein sources, Complex carbs which are obtained from whole grains. The main goals of liver-friendly diet diet include

·         Avoid sugars

·         Select plant-based oils

·         Choose nuts and seeds as snacks

·         Avoid high fat dairy products

·         Limit sodium intake

·         Drink lots of water

Bound your alcohol ingestion

Liver is the primary detoxification organ which play a major role in the metabolizing all the ingested substances. If too much alcohol is ingested then liver will be the primary organ that gets damaged. As a result the liver enzymes are turned on and the alcohol circulates through the body.

Exercise Regularly

Besides weight loss physical activity have many other benefits. It can reduce the fat accumulated around the liver. Exercising regularly can also boost up the mood and energy levels. The best results can be seen if the physical activity is carried out for 150 minutes every day.

Medications and supplements

As the liver plays a major role in the metabolism of the medications and the supplements extra care should be taken while administering the medications especially while the liver is such weak during the Hepatitis C infection. Those medications and supplements include over the counter drugs, pain relievers, nutritional supplements and herbal medications.

Having Hepatitis C can lead to many complications hence protecting over all liver health is very important. Although anti-viral treatments can cure Hepatitis but they cannot take away the liver damage caused by it. Hence being the vital organ liver should be protected especially in case of Hepatitis C.


  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC (www.ultimatelifeclinic.com) in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.


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